Create videos with DEEPBRAIN AI Studios

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Do you want to create videos on a budget?

Do you want more tools to help make videos without using your face or even your voice?

Or maybe you just like to learn more about really useful new AI tools.

If any of these is the case, then you might want to check out this AI tool.

Deep Brain AI Studios has a tool you can use to create videos for free.

With the free option, you can create 1 video for free. 

Deep Brain's AI Studio uses OpenAI's ChatGPT, it has templates for the videos to reduce the time to completion: General, Education Marketing, Health, Business, Social and others.

This is what the UI looks like when you go to make your video and use topics:

There are many avatars to choose from, below are some, aimed at different use cases:

If you click on an avatar, you can get a little demo of that person, and hear their voice. They also speak different languages.

They seem pretty realistic in video and voice, though they are not perfectly human, but they don't sound or look robotic.

Mostly, it's their faces that move, but they sometimes move their heads and they also sway a little, which makes the avatars look more human.
Some of them even move their arms and hands.

You might notice the men's voice boxes moving. Neat.

With the templates, you can see little demo videos. Here is one from Jonathan, the news anchor, with World News, not just a solid or fading colour background.

Make your videos with AI

With that, you can make your first video, your free trial, but to keep using it, they do ask for pay for their excellent work.

There are 3 paid tiers.

The first paid tier, Starter, is $30/mon if paid monthly or just $24/mon if paid annually. This includes 10 minutes per month, 10 minutes per video and 6 scenes per video, as well as 100+ virtual people, over 80 languages and no watermarks.

The second tier, Pro. The pricing is $225/mon or $180/mon if paid annually. This includes 90 minutes per month, 20 minutes per video and 25 scenes per video, as well as priority video processing and API access.

The tier with the highest features is called Enterprise as the price needs to be negotiated. This top tier includes all the features in Pro, plus, up to 50 scenes per video, a custom AI Avatar and 24/7 Priority Support.

Whichever tier is right for you, this is where to go:

If you'd like to get started right now, here is our link to DeepBrain:

Discover the Rich Tapestry of Addis Ababa: A Guide to the Heart of Ethiopia

By Vincent Hall

Meskel Square, Addis Ababa. Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash 

Nestled in the heart of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa beckons to explorers with its vibrant blend of cultures and traditions. Addis Ababa is a dynamic city. If you’re considering a voyage to this enchanting destination, you’re in for a treat!

In this guide, we’ll delve deeper into the captivating attractions and activities that make Addis Ababa a must-visit location, from exploring the ancient treasures of the National Museum of Ethiopia to immersing yourself in the vibrant arts scene at the Ethiopian National Theatre. We’ll also take you on a culinary adventure through the city’s bustling markets and delectable restaurants, and invite you to connect with the natural beauty of the Entoto Mountains.

A Journey Through Time: The National Museum of Ethiopia

Your exploration of Addis Ababa should rightfully commence at the National Museum of Ethiopia, which houses a vast and fascinating collection of archaeological artefacts and ancient art. Among the star attractions is the famed fossil of “Lucy,” the oldest known hominid, offering a direct connection to our distant past.


As you wander through the museum’s halls, you’ll embark on a captivating journey through the rich tapestry of Ethiopian history and culture. From the ancient kingdom of Aksum to the medieval era, the museum’s exhibits offer a glimpse into the country’s diverse and complex cultural heritage.

In addition to Lucy, the museum also houses a number of other notable artefacts, including the Aksumite obelisks (or stelae) from the ancient Aksumite civilisation, which was in the northern region of Ethiopia. The National Museum of Ethiopia also has the Lalibela Cross, and the Tabot, a sacred replica of the Ark of the Covenant. These treasures offer a testament to Ethiopia’s rich and storied past and provide valuable insights into the country’s unique cultural heritage.

The Arts Unveiled: Ethiopian National Theatre

For those who have a passion for the arts, the Ethiopian National Theatre stands as a beacon of cultural expression in Addis Ababa. Its stage comes alive with a myriad of performances, from enchanting plays to soul-stirring concerts and the rhythmic exuberance of dance shows.

It’s here that the essence of Ethiopian culture finds its expression through music and dance, making for an unforgettable experience. From traditional folk dances like the Eskista to modern fusion performances, the Ethiopian National Theatre offers something for everyone.

The Eskista dance, with its graceful and dramatic movements, embodies the nation's rich culture. The past is celebrated and kept alive, but the contemporary is also enjoyed.

Modern fusion performances infuse innovation into tradition, creating a harmonious fusion that resonates with the beating heart of present-day Ethiopia.

Culinary Delights: A Gastronomic Journey

For culinary enthusiasts, Addis Ababa’s offerings are nothing short of a revelation. The city is renowned for its delectable cuisine, a symphony of flavours characterised by spicy stews, succulent grilled meats, and the iconic injera, a sourdough flatbread that is the heart of Ethiopian dining.

Injera flatbread

Your taste buds will dance with joy as you sample these culinary treasures at local establishments such as Yod Abyssinia Restaurant and Dashen Traditional Restaurant. From the fiery doro wat chicken stew to the hearty tibs beef dish, Addis Ababa’s cuisine offers a feast for the senses.

In addition to the traditional dishes mentioned above, Addis Ababa is also home to a number of international restaurants, catering to a diverse range of palates. Whether you’re in the mood for Italian, Chinese, or Indian cuisine, you’re sure to find something to your taste in this vibrant city.

A Market Extravaganza: The Mercato

Mercato Addis

A trip to Addis Ababa is incomplete without an adventure through the Mercato, one of the largest open-air markets in Africa. Here, the pulse of daily life beats vigorously as you wander through a labyrinth of stalls.

You can browse through an eclectic array of items, from traditional handicrafts and keepsakes to the vibrant kaleidoscope of fresh produce and spices. It’s a sensory journey, a bustling marketplace that offers an intimate glimpse into the city’s everyday existence.

Fresh produce at Mercato Addis Ababa,_mercato_sholla,_10_caff%C3%A8.jpg 

The Mercato is also a great place to find bargains on souvenirs and other items. Be sure to haggle with the vendors to get the best price.

Here are some tips for haggling at the Mercato:

  • Start with a low offer and be prepared to walk away if you don't get the price you want.
  • Be friendly and respectful, even if you're not interested in buying something.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for a discount, especially if you're buying multiple items.
  • If you're not sure what a fair price is, do some research before you go to the market.

The Mercato is a unique and unforgettable experience. It's a place where you can find everything from traditional Ethiopian clothing to spices from all over the world. It's also a great place to meet people from all walks of life.

If you're planning a trip to Addis Ababa, be sure to add the Mercato to your itinerary. It's an experience you won't forget.

Beautiful Nature: Entoto Mountains

If you like to get out into nature, a visit to the Entoto Mountains is an absolute necessity. Located on the outskirts of Addis Ababa, these majestic peaks offer panoramic views of the city and its lush, sprawling surroundings.

A hiking adventure through the verdant forests will rejuvenate your spirit as you breathe in the crisp mountain air and bask in the breathtaking scenery. Be sure to keep an eye out for the abundant wildlife, including Colobus monkeys, Gelada baboons, Klipspringer antelope, birds like the Tacazze Sunbird, Wattled Ibis, and the Abyssinian Woodpecker, and even the occasional leopard.

In addition to its natural beauty, the Entoto Mountains are also home to a number of historical and cultural attractions. You can visit the Entoto Maryam Church, one of the oldest churches in Addis Ababa, or explore the ruins of the Menelik Palace, the former residence of Emperor Menelik II.

The Entoto Maryam Church,_Ethiopia_(49687851148).jpg

Tips to get really immersed in Addis Ababa:

  • Learn a few basic Amharic phrases. Amharic is the official language of Ethiopia, and it's always appreciated when visitors make an effort to speak the local language. Even a few basic phrases, such as "halo” (hello), “āmeseginalehu” (thank you), and “behina huni” (goodbye), can go a long way.
  • Be prepared for a culture shock. Ethiopia is a unique and diverse country, and the culture can be quite different from what you're used to. Be prepared to experience new things and keep an open mind.
  • Pack for all types of weather. Addis Ababa is located at high altitude, so the weather can be unpredictable. Be sure to pack for all types of weather, from warm and sunny days to cool and rainy evenings.
    Being close to the Equator, the average day max temperatures are low-to-middle 20s Celsius year-round (70s °F).
  • Be respectful of the local culture and customs. Ethiopia is a traditional country, and it's important to be respectful of the local culture and customs. For example, dress modestly in public and avoid taking photos of people without their permission.
  • Immerse yourself in the city's vibrant coffee culture. Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee, and the city is home to countless coffee shops and cafes. Be sure to try a cup of Ethiopian coffee while you're in town.
  • Take a cooking class and learn how to make some of Ethiopia's delicious dishes. Ethiopian cuisine is unique and flavourful, and it's definitely worth learning how to make some of the dishes yourself. There are a number of cooking schools in Addis Ababa that offer classes for all levels of experience.

Addis Ababa is a city with a lot to offer. With its rich history, vibrant culture, stunning scenery, and delicious cuisine, Addis Ababa is sure to leave a lasting impression on you. So, prepare your bags and embrace the enchanting odyssey that awaits in the heart of Ethiopia's capital.

In Closing: Addis Ababa, A Captivating Voyage

In conclusion, Addis Ababa is an extraordinary city that weaves together the threads of history, culture, nature, and culinary wonders. Whether you seek to uncover the past, immerse yourself in the arts, connect with nature, tantalise your palate, or dive into the daily life of the city, Addis Ababa promises a treasure trove of experiences.

So, prepare your bags and embrace the enchanting odyssey that awaits in the heart of Ethiopia’s capital. Addis Ababa is not just a city; it’s an adventure.

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